Dear Editor:
While walking with my sister on Belsyde to David Street in Fergus, between the school and the seniors residence, hoping to show off my beautiful town in the fall, I was “distancing” from her by staying on the grass near the road while she travelled on the far side of the sidewalk.
First one load of dog excrement, then another and another and it was if I was on a jagged tightrope of avoidance and very nearly lost my equilibrium (heaven forbid!).
I kept thinking it would end soon but finally gave up the precarious balancing act and moved back on to the sidewalk and dropped behind my sister. It seemed like it was a well used spot by the same dog or dogs who could smell their own poop and continued to use that “bathroom.” It went on for about 15 feet or so, which was very unusual.
Please, people, remember to bring a bag and pick it up. Just because it is not in front of someone’s house doesn’t mean it isn’t going to bother anyone.
Christy Doraty,