Dear Editor:
I am an RMT in Guelph and I appreciate the fact that you reported the results of the hearing with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) in your paper. The public does need to know.
My one objection to your reporting is that you reported it online as “cuts a deal” with the CMTO. What happened is not “cutting a deal”.
It is the mandate of my college to ensure that unethical behaviour be treated seriously and that they protect the public. The evidence they had must have been substantial because he chose not to go through with the hearing and incur more financial hardship.
When a murderer pleads guilty and the lawyer negotiates the penalty you do not call it “cutting a deal.” The most that a college can do is revoke a licence, which is, by the information provided, what was going to happen.
So, in saying this, stop sensationalizing your article with misleading headlines and report the news and congratulate the college for moving forward with the client’s concerns and coming to a conclusion that protects the public without additional stress put on the client.
Renata DeForest,