WELLINGTON COUNTY- In June, Janice Hindley, announced her retirement as Wellington Place administrator after 31 years serving in municipal government.
Hindley spent 10 years with the Town of Orangeville before spending 21 years as a department head for the County of Wellington.
“Janice is the longest serving department head currently at the county, having been hired in the year of Wellington’s amalgamation, 1999,” said county CAO Scott Wilson.
“Janice immediately set about the task of integrating the previously independent libraries of Rockwood, Hillsburgh and Fergus to produce a unified county library system – one which is the envy of Ontario’s library community.”

Wilson added, “Janice may well be unique in the annals of Wellington County administration. She has been 21 years a county department head, spending the first 12 years as chief librarian, before shifting to the Museum and Archives … Janice’s legacy in both departments will be evident for several decades to come, and the whole of Wellington owes Janice its thanks for a job superbly done.”
Jana Burns will replace Hindley as Wellington Place administrator.
Burns has led the county economic development division since 2012, working with the member municipalities, local stakeholders and business community, notes a press release from the county. She holds a Master’s degree from the London School of Economics and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Waterloo.
“It’s my pleasure to announce that Jana Burns has accepted the position of Wellington Place administrator,” said Wilson. “Jana brings a lot of experience to her new role. Janice Hindley leaves big shoes to fill, but I am confident Jana is up to the challenge.”
Burns will begin her new role on Sept. 21. Hindley’s last day will be Oct. 2.