MISSISSAUGA – Phragmites is an invasive plant that has been damaging ecosystems in Ontario for decades.
Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) is hosting a free webinar for rural landowners on controlling phragmites on their properties. The Deep in the Reeds webinar takes place, Aug 18 from 6:30 to 7:30pm.
CVC’s Karen Buckle will lead a discussion on how to identify, control and manage this invasive plant with CVC’s invasive species expert and guest speakers from local organizations.
“Phragmites is one of Ontario’s most troublesome invasive plants,” said Karen buckle, rural landowner outreach coordinator at CVC.
“It’s spreading locally.
“Rural residents can help stop the spread by removing it from their properties.”
CVC’s invasive species expert, Bryanna McLaughlin, will cover how to identify and remove Phragmites.
Participants will hear how Ernie and Angela Lynch, organizers of the citizen-led group The Phrag Fighters, have taken up the fight against this invasive reed.
Karen Morrison from the Headwaters Streams Committee will share how the committee is working to control phragmites in Orangeville and Mono.
Phragmites are towering reeds seen in thick, impenetrable stands along roadside ditches and in wetlands across the province.
They are a major threat to biodiversity in the region, destroying wildlife habitat, reducing open water areas and outcompeting native vegetation.
Register online at cvc.ca/events or call 905-670-1615 ext. 221. This webinar is designed for rural residents in the Credit River Watershed.