Nuclear waste concerns

Dear Editor:

RE: Hiding it not the answer, July 23.

Michelle Stein talked about the Deep Geological Repository (DGR) that will store high levels of nuclear waste (NW) under the Teeswater River.

Nuclear Waste Management of Ontario (NWMO) said South Bruce (SB) is a willing host and has purchased farmland at the site. However, the people of SB are against the DGR as their lives will be permanently changed without their consent.

Those making the decision to dig the DGR will not be living near it and local businesses will be affected, including Gay Lea whose milk comes from farms built on or near the DGR. Even Chapman’s Ice Cream in Markdale has expressed concerns because a portion of their milk comes from Gay Lea.

A referendum will allow the residents of SB to decide whether or not they want the DGR, like the Saugeen Ojibway Nation voted against the DGR for low/intermediate levels of NW.

Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) are located in Ontario (Darlington/Pickering/Tiverton), Quebec and New Brunswick. Every day for decades, high levels of NW will travel from NPPs through Toronto-Orangeville-Guelph-Rockwood-Fergus-Elora-Arthur-Harriston-Clifford-Gorrie-Wroxeter-Wingham-Belmore-Mildmay and Formosa before being stored in the Teeswater DGR.

Although the NWMO assures that the containers with secure lid locks will withstand accidents from traffic or winter weather (SB has frequent blizzards), is it possible that these less than perfect conditions could weaken the containers? Would it make more sense for each NPP to bury their NW underneath their plant, keeping it localized and away from endangering the public through transportation?

Ideally, researching ways to removing the radiation from NW seems more favorable than burying it.

The DGR affects everyone, however, SB seems to be fighting this on their own. We can write our government leaders and raise public awareness to help stop the DGR. For more information visit

Carol O’Neil,