WELLINGTON COUNTY – Green bin curbside collection service will begin across the county on Tuesday (July 7).
County officials say the green bin program will annually divert an estimated 2,000 tonnes of food and organic waste from the county’s landfill site, extending the life of the site.
“The County of Wellington is committed to environmental excellence,” stated Warden Kelly Linton in a July 2 press release.
“The new curbside collection and green bin program demonstrate that commitment.”
Green bins have already been delivered to eligible households across Wellington County.
Features of the new curbside collection program will include:
- standardized collection frequency for both urban and rural households;
- materials collected on both sides of all roads (in driveway);
- recyclables and organics collected weekly;
- user-pay garbage bags collected every other week; and
- seasonal leaf and yard waste collection provided in urban areas.
“These collection program changes will help us divert even more waste from landfill,” stated Solid Waste Services (SWS) Chair Gregg Davidson.
“Our landfill site is a valuable asset, and every year we can extend the life of our one and only landfill site is a benefit to all of our residents.”
County officials say that across Ontario, there is only 14 years of landfill capacity left, and no new landfills have been developed in the past 20 years.
For more information about the green bin program visit www.wellington.ca/greenbin, contact the SWS Division at 519-837-2601 or email wasteinfo@wellington.ca.