Grand Valley Lions celebrating 25th duck race on May 23

GRAND VALLEY – The Grand Valley Lions are celebrating the 25th Duck Race on May 23 and invite all to come out to Grand Valley to help celebrate.

The event offers a full day of activities for the whole family starting with a community breakfast at 8am by the Grand Valley Lions at the community centre.

There will be a plant sale by the local horticultural society and garage sale by local air cadets, at the community centre.

Plus there are many garage sales throughout town.

At noon, activities start in Hereward Park including face painting sponsored by Grand Valley Dental, cookie decorating sponsored by Amy Steele of iPro Realty, a duck pond with prizes sponsored by Keith’s Trailer sales, free duck hats sponsored by Grand Valley Wind Farms, the Paw Patrol to entertain the younger children sponsored by Mayberry Hill Association, bouncy castles, pony rides by Grand River Rodeo, Grand Valley Fire Department’s fire truck, free milk supplied by the Dufferin Dairy Farmers and cookies supplied by Boston Pizza, local art on display, and live entertainment by Kara Shaw plus food and refreshments.

The 25th Annual Duck Race starts promptly at 2 pm with the help of Grand Valley Crane Rentals and MP Kyle Seeback, MPP Sylvia Jones, Warden Darren White and Grand Valley Mayor Steve Soloman.

Last year, the Grand Valley Lions had 102 prizes totalling $24,987.51.

In 2020, prizes are expected to total over $25,000.

It is not too late to get involved, either as a sponsor or as a volunteer.

Contact Lion Randy at 519-943-5471 for more information.

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