
Dear Editor:

I have noticed, over the years, that governments of several jurisdictions in Canada, most prominently those of the Conservative Party, pander to the inherent anti-teacher bias of citizens.

In the (right wing) press, one sees words like “greed” and “manipulation” applied to our teachers. This is also pandering. People are resentful toward teachers due to their perquisites, (i.e. vacation time); they are also regretful because they failed to stay the course and attain such a “cushy” job.

I, for one, am tired of these tactics. Money is not the issue here – teachers are standing firm against Premier Doug Ford’s assault on our education system.

I am proud of the fact that Canada has the highest post-secondary graduation rate in the world at 60%  – even higher than Japan and the United States. Let’s keep it that way!

Allan Berry,