Silencing others

Dear Editor:

RE: Kool-Aid complicity, Oct. 17.

I have no doubt that Liz Armstrong includes me among those she smears as “climate deniers”, whose letters she feels the editor should have censored.

While we “deniers” acknowledge that the Earth has warmed in the last 200 years and that human activity contributed to it, many questions remain. How big a factor is carbon dioxide emissions resulting from burning fossil fuels, compared to other natural causes such as the sun’s influence (the Milankovitch Effect, Svensmark Theory)?

If the current rise in temperatures will cause climate Armageddon in just 11 years, why did we see no evidence of devastation in previous warming periods (e.g. Medieval Warm Period of 900 to 1300)? Does killing Canada’s oil industry and the economy make any sense when this just drives production to other countries and has zero effect on global warming?

Even the United Nations’ IPCC predictions of warming have been overstated. The UN also warned us in 1989 that rising sea levels could wipe out entire nations if the global warming trend wasn’t reversed by the year 2000.

I am convinced that if honest discussions were allowed between alarmists and skeptics, the facts would expose the current hysteria to be the utter nonsense I believe it is.

Unfortunately, the CBC and other left-leaning media and academia will allow only one side to air its views. Climate change has become not about science but about political correctness. The leftists appear to be achieving their goal of silencing views they don’t like.

Henry Brunsveld,