Dear Editor:
The Grand Valley Lions 24th Annual Duck Race on May 25 had to revert to “Plan C” due to the weather and a fire alarm at the Grand Valley and Community Centre.
The duck drop did not happen due to the wet weather and the anticipated thunder and lightning.
Hereward Park was really wet and with the anticipated lightning, the Grand Valley Lions decided to draw the winners at the Community Centre along with a few of our activities.
The Paw Patrol drew a good crowd and just when the Lions were going to start drawing the winners, a fire alarm sounded and everyone had to evacuate the community centre. The Grand Valley Fire Department showed up and could not locate a fire so the alarm company was called to determine what caused the alarm. In the meantime, the weather outside was dry so the Lions, with the help of MPP Sylvia Jones, Mayor Steve Soloman and councillor Liz Taylor, commenced drawing the 102 winners.
The top four winners were: Lori Price of Acton, who won a Tao Motors ATV valued at $1,399 and donated by GVG Farms; Olivia O’Brien of Grand Valley, who won $1,000 donated by Grand Valley Wind Farms; Tyler Neabel of Keniworth, who won $1,000 donated by Cachet Estate Homes (Grand Valley) Inc.; and Janet Vance of Fergus, who won $1,000 donated by Orica Canada Inc.
The Grand Valley Lions would like to thank our many sponsors. Due to their generosity, all tickets were sold and all proceeds will be used for many community projects.
For a complete list of winners, visit the Grand Valley Lions website or Facebook page.
Randy McClelland,
Grand Valley Lions Club