Clifford Lions coordinate road clean-up

By Bonnie Whitehead

CLIFFORD – April 22 was Earth Day and the Clifford Lions Club marked the occasion with its spring road cleanup.

As part of the “Adopt-a-Road” program, four Lions and four volunteers participated in cleaning a designated section of highway north of the village.

Lions involved were Sheila Campbell, Faye Binkley, Margaret Penfound, and Judy Worsley. Volunteers included Werner Rodde and Sheila’s three grandsons, Zak, Hunter,and Chayse Leith. 

“It is heartbreaking to see the litter on both sides of the road that has been deposited by people with no consideration for the environment,” said Campbell. “Dozens of coffee cups, plastic water bottles, pop cans, and beer bottles quickly filled two huge bags … one for the landfill and the other for the recycling plant. We can only wonder why garbage cannot be saved until a waste container is available for its disposal? Each small town has several along their main street.”

Campbell, who chairs the clean-up project, thanked volunteers and club members who participated.

“The weather was perfect and we are proud of our little stretch of clean highway that will be seen by thousands travelling to cottage country soon,” she said.
