Board approves draft school year calendar for 2019-20

GUELPH – The Upper Grand District School Board trustees approved draft 2019-20 school year calendars for the elementary and secondary schools in the UGDSB at the March meeting.

The draft calendars will be submitted to the Ministry of Education for approval.

The calendars were reviewed by a committee of stakeholders, including representatives from all bargaining units, principals, human resources, board staff and parents.

Both calendars have 194 school days, including seven professional activity days. Ten instructional days have been scheduled for secondary exams.

It is proposed that students start the year on Sept. 3, 2019. For the Christmas break, classes will run until Friday Dec. 20, 2019 and return after the holidays on Monday Jan. 6, 2020. March Break will be from March 16 to 20, 2020. 

The last day of school will fall on June 23 for secondary students and June 25 for elementary students. 

The Wellington Catholic District School Board will be submitting a similar calendar to the ministry for approval.

Draft calendars are posted on the board website under “School Year Calendars.”
