
Dear Editor:

RE: Climate doomsday, Feb. 28. 

Jane Vandervliet is exactly correct about these (the sky is falling) zealots. The Earth has been going through climate change since forever and Mother Nature has steered it through to a better place every time. 

The things she can’t deal with are products like plastic and styrofoam that someone has decided needs to be in or on everything we use. Where possible we should not purchase anything packaged in that hard plastic that you need shears to open. There is also no need for plastic bottles or any food or drink containers. For years we only had paper cups and glass jars and bottles. Today it’s all plastic. Going back to something that works and is recyclable is not only smart, it is totally possible and inexpensive. 

Reusable drink containers, canvas or (should I dare say it) paper bags and using minimal plastic packaging would go a long way to cleaning up our planet. It is a visible and measurable way to help make the Earth a safe, clean and healthy place for generations to come. Animals, people and plant life everywhere would be protected basically for free. No tax will do as much. 

As for the doomsdayers, let them stop flying or driving anywhere, let them have no children as has been suggested by democrat socialists in the U.S. Let them live in dark caves and eat bugs. Oh sorry, these conditions are only for the average family. The upper class get to keep their private jets, yachts, multiple homes and fleet of limos. They are special, right?

Ronald White,

Mount Forest