‘Liberalist claptrap’

Dear Editor:

RE: Cannabis quandary, Jan. 31.

It may be fashionable these days to spout liberalist claptrap, but the four Centre Wellington council members who voted against cannabis stores should be applauded for their leadership stance, instead of being ridiculed.

You say you “suspect morality” was a driving force – boy, how dreadful – as though you think morality is somehow a dirty word to be avoided like the plague. How perverse it is when showing any sound moral judgement is so bad. Does that mean immorality is good? Maybe you’re right and you’re simply reflecting the degradation of modern day popularism.

Heaven help anyone who would dare to make any effort to be “holier-than-thou” – maybe we should all strive to be less holy than everyone else? What an unholy competition of downward spiralling! 

Yes, the Canadian cannabis ship has certainly sailed – and the long-term consequence? The nation has sunk a little further down. So, must we all forget any notion of morality and embrace your version of “practicality”? The sort of practicality that says if we fail to guide the vulnerable or the young and impressionable away from drugs or gambling then the easy, short-sighted solution is simple: legalize them!

Oh, and yes, gambling is bad too, let’s not kid ourselves that it’s just a wonderful, wholesome boost for our oh so precious, greed-driven economy; it ruins far too many lives for such “freedom” to be worth the price.

Roy Pegg,
