The ‘Canadian way’

Dear Editor:

RE: Canada’s ‘buffoon,’ Nov. 29.

The letter in last week’s paper in which the writer tried to make a point by using derogatory terms about our prime minister has inspired me to write to urge a better way to the future. A national election is coming and we can expect much negative campaigning. We can do better in Canada. We can express our different points of view without personal attacks.

We live in a wonderful democratic country. As citizens it is our responsibility to be as informed as possible about all the issues facing us,  to discuss those issues, and to do whatever we can to find solutions, at all levels of governance and at all times, not just at election times.

We need to get as many facts as possible. For example, there are many facts available on climate change. There are facts about oil well closings. There are facts about immigration levels. There are facts about educational needs. There are facts about needs for food and water. There are facts about income distributions. There are facts about corporate ownership levels.

We need to find solutions to a myriad number of problems facing us as we continue building our country for generations to come.

Let’s marshal our information, look at our options, and focus on innovative ideas in the Canadian way.