Archived Letter – 1270

Dear editor,

RE: Surprise, surprise September 15

I would like to respond to Dave Adsett’s editorial regarding the Aberfoyle Fall Fair.

The fall fair is a community event that brings people together and something that is to be enjoyed.

In order for a community to have events like this it takes a lot of hard work and dedication, done mostly by volunteers. We should all be thankful for that fact.

Why does there always have to be one person who makes events like this near impossible ?

I’m curious. Are these complainers,such as the individual in Aberfoyle, truly concerned about the well being of the community members that attend? Or do they just enjoy pointing out legalities?

I think that people need a better look at what goes into these events. If they recognize how difficult they are to organize, they might gain some empathy towards the coordinators and their cause.

Chantal VanLeeuwen

Chantal Van Leeuwen