Archived Letter – 1244

RE: Dog and pony show- July 14
Dear Editor:
To be sure, “a cunning array of stunts” by Mr. Trudeau.
I fear that Canada, as is continuing to happen in Europe, is purposely orchestrating its’ own demise under his so-called leadership.
As we speak,votes are pouring over the Manitoba border. The RCMP, little more than bell hops carrying the luggage!
The Mississauga- Erin Mills MP of Doublespeak is attempting to stop free speech with M-103.
Our Minister of Immigration/ Citizenship from York-South Westin hails from the failed anarchy that is Somalia.
Trudeau secretly meets with the Aga Khan in his luxurious private fiefdom.
Khadr’s bribe should bring in at least another 10.5 million votes!
Meanwhile, Khadr grins at our colossal stupidity and carries on with his studies to become a nurse, and Trudeau flips pancakes at Stampede saying the payoff “was the right thing to do”.

Doreen Henschel
Rockwood ON

Doreen Henschel