Archived Letter – 1175


I’m writing to you today to bring to your attention a situation with the Upper Grand District School Board where a students has been home since March Break with no school to return to.

Her parents can’t come forward as one of the parent works for the UGDSB and fears repercussions against herself and her child as she also teaches at her child’s school. It’s been years of trying to make changes within her class and different tactics to stop the bullying. However this year, the “Mean Girls” seems to have stepped up their games and been intentionally excluding her and alienating her from her peers saying that she’s weird and mean. In January came a cumulative situation when this young lady (11 years old) was going to a dance party with a friend and when these girls talked a friend that was over at this young ladies house into going to the dance without excluding her and telling that friend (overheard by the young lady) that she was weird and that she should go to the dance with her. This friend left hurriedly from the young ladies house and told the young lady that she would meet her there. When the young lady tried to connect with her, they would not answer. I know that I am missing some details but it ended up that this young lady spent the evening crying at home. The school told the parents that this was not a bullying situation. When the mother tried to communicate with one of the girls mother, they acted as nothing happened.

This young lady has missed weeks of school and has extreme anxiety to the point that she has stomach pain from it.

The parents spoke with the principal the week before March Break asking for an out of area transfer, this family expected that by the end of March Break that their daughter would be going to a new school. After March break ended, there was still no resolution, so the parents spoke with the superintendant and after much much discussion it was agreed and the transfer papers was to be entered. This week they are told that they need to fill out a request (Originally filled out before March Break) and get a medical note before they put the transfer request in. Is it acceptable that a child waits at home for 3 weeks so she can get an education? What good is an anti-bullying legislation when the School Board itself are bullying parents?



Rachel Shilletto