Archived Letter – 993

French Immersion cap/lottery?
An enrolment cap and lottery system for entry to the popular French Immersion program has been suggested in the French report by UGDSB (details available on the board’s website). A cap/lottery would deny access to this valuable program for some children and possibly force families to send their children to different schools if a sibling is not picked. An issue detailed in the report is finding enough qualified FR teachers to staff the program. I would encourage UGDSB to explore hiring practices utilized by other boards such as pool hiring in the winter for Sept. and keeping supply lists open for French-speaking teachers. If necessary, an FI enrolment deadline (not a cap) coinciding with kindergarten registration could be considered in order to staff effectively for the following year. I encourage parents and taxpayers to write their trustees and recommend that UGDSB find constructive solutions to FI sustainability that do not include a cap or lottery.
