Archived Letter – 980

Dear Editor.

In his recent “Report From Ottawa”, Mr. Chong our MP, failed to mention some of the very aggressive and positive changes already initiated by Justin Trudeau and the new Liberal government. As an example, the 7% reduction in the middle class tax rate, affecting income from $45,000 to $90,000 was passed by Parliament. It will begin to reduce middle income taxes by as much as $680 beginning in January, 2016. Interestingly, only the Conservative caucus, including Mr. Chong, voted against this motion.
Liberal Minister Carolyn Bennett launched Phase 1 of the enquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women and girls. Minister Catherine McKenna, who was named as a facilitator at the Paris climate change conference (COP21), was part of the landmark 196 country agreement which sets out to limit global warming to 2 degrees C with a goal of 1.5 degrees. Mr. Trudeau convened a first ministers meeting with provincial and territorial leaders on November 23rd, just one month after being elected. The first such meeting since 2009. And Canada is now among the leaders in efforts to help Syrian refugees. Many Canadians were especially heartened by images of the Kurdi family being reunited at Vancouver airport. It allowed us to temporarily forget how inaction by the previous government precipitated desperate actions by Abdullah Kurdi, resulting in the death of his wife, little Allen and his 5 year old brother on the shores of Turkey.
Many of us are hopeful that in the new year our new government will continue to bring a larger and more generous vision to this great country.


Peter van Vloten, Fergus ON

Peter van Vloten