Archived Letter – 834

Dear Editor..This is another letter addressed to Kathleen Wynne in regard to her and Dalton`s governments financial fiasco . They have added $160 000 000 000 to our debt in Ontario in just 11 years. That works out as of January to $20500 for EVERY man ,woman and child in this province to be paid back to our debt holders! This year they budgeted another $10.9 BILLION to be borrowed on top of the $276 Billion we already owe. That works out to just OVER a Million per HOUR every hour of the year.Why do you wish to sell Hydro that the citizens of Ontario have ownership too for a pittance more then you overspend per year? Selling our infrastructure to profiteers because you cannot govern and make necessary decisions is a shame. Citizens need to awake to what this government has done to a once powerful province. Once all the assets are sold our debt will still be there and citizens of Ontario will be subjected to economic slavery at the hands of the most police investigated government in the history of Canada. Carbon taxes will be added on to everything and we will pay until everyone is bankrupt including Ontario. Leaders make tough decisions for the well being of all. Dalton and now Kathleen have shown that they are incapable or unwilling to balance the books for fear they may offend all the while sinking the great ship that was Ontario and taking all that call her home down with it .Sincerely Cornelis Boot

Cornelis Boot