Archived Letter – 754

Dear Mayor. Driscoll,

My name is Griffin and I go to Drayton Heights Public School. I am writing you this letter because there is something that I want to tell you. I want to ask you to think about not selling bottled water in Drayton and Mapleton public places. I have found five reasons why you should not sell bottled water. Our dumps can’t support the water bottles. About 50 percent of people are actually recycling water bottles which is not a lot. In the US they use 50 billion water bottles in a year they recycle only 23% of them. Nestle in Guelph draws millions of litres of water everyday.
Bottled water is changing the climate. It requires a lot of fossil fuels to make and to transport it to places. Tap water is cleaner and safer because Canada only inspects bottle water factories once every three years. Canada has one of the best public drinking systems in the world and the bottled water companies want to make us buy their water. I challenge you to try, but you don’t have to. That is why I want there to be no bottled water in Mapleton public places.


