Archived Letter – 730

Dear editor,
I would like to inform you about the Himalayan Balsam. The Himalayan Balsam is an invasive species transported from India to Canada by boat. This plant can grow up to three metres tall. Sometimes if you put pressure on the pods they can pop five metres in the air. Our two grade 5/6 classes called the OFAH hotline and a lady names Emily informed us about the Himalayan Balsam, telling us that bees get so addicted to this plant that they ignore pollinating nearby, native plants. This plant is also fully edible.
We have started to eradicate this species from our school ground. It could take us up to three years to get rid of it. We are also writing letters to our neighbours to ask that they also get rid of it. I hope this letter gives you lots of information about this invasive species. If you require any more information, please visit
Thank you for your time.
Logan Jeffries
Grade 5/6 student
Elora Public School

Logan Jeffries