Archived Letter – 386

Conservative Budget Bill Threatens Natural Resources: Prime Minister Harper is hoping you wont notice what is hidden in the Trojan Horse Bill. They call it a budget implementation bill but in it are hundreds of pages of new measures which affect everything from Canadians health to how our government functions. Instead of letting Parliament fully debate these changes, Harper and his gang are trying to sneak them through. I am hearing from outdoor people, fishermen, birdwatchers, farmers, and naturalists, people who are concerned, even frightened by the changes this bill will make. They understand that instead of protecting our natural resources, the conservatives favour huge projects which threaten them. This budget bill will weaken habitat protection guaranteed by the Fisheries Act. It will also limit the bodies of water protected by the Species at Risk Act and the Fisheries Act. This budget bill will rip to pieces The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act- leaving forests and lakes at risk. Changes in this budget bill will give the final say over major energy project approvals to cabinet minister- regardless of the environmental impact. New Democrats know these changes matter to Canadians. We know they should be debated in Parliament. Thats why we are holding budget review sessions across Canada, and fighting to ensure your voice is heard. Learn more and speak out. Visit the web site: budget 2012 Jack Verhulst, President, Perth-Wellington N.D.P. R.R. #3, St. Marys, ON N4X 1C6 519 284 2173 Submitted on Jack’s behalf by: Dorothy A. Knight, 76 Athlone Crescent, Stratford, ON N4Z 1H8 519 271 7698 This letter is intended for publication in the letters to the editor column. I have submitted it on Jack’s behalf because he does not have email.

Jack Verhulst