Archived Letter – 451

Regarding the news piece by Chris Daponte, OWNER AND NEIGHBOURS CLASH OVER HEALTH OF HORSES. Ok, first of all Luckett needs to learn some morals and grow up!U can visit another country and not speak the language.”not breed cognizant”,what a jerk! His legal statement of claim can be as high as he wants against OSPCA. Means nothing. The OSPCA gets funding and sponsors from the likes of THE BANK OF MONTREAL etc(EVERYTIME I AND OTHERS USE THEIR BMO MASTERCARDS, the OSPCA benefits from that. This can be easily withdrawn from banks if their customers decide OSPCA IS NOT DOING THEIR JOBS AT ALL. LUCKETTS LANDLORD should be concerned about his property, as that can have its consequences. VETS,AND ALL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES,AS THE REST OF US, HOLD LICENCES.ANYBODY’S LICENCE CAN BE SUSPENDED, ANYONE. People think they have done their jobs,and rudely awake when learn otherwise,eventually over time.So I like to think that this is not over, and those horses will see justice here at some point, hopefully soon.

Jo-Anne Ward