Kelly Linton, Dave Anderson to compete for warden’s seat

The next warden of Wellington County will come from either Centre Wellington or Minto.

Centre Wellington Mayor Kelly Linton and Ward 1 councillor David Anderson have both announced their intention to seek the warden’s seat for the next two-year term.

“I am putting my name forward as a candidate for warden because I do want to work with this new council and make a positive difference to our communities,” said Linton at the Nov. 29 Wellington County council meeting.

Linton, who is entering his second term on county council, added, “We have some challenges that we are faced with and I want us to work together to see some real results.”

Anderson, who is set to enter his second term as Ward 1 representative, also served on county council as mayor of the Town of Minto from 2007 to 2010.

“I’m really pleased with the direction the county is going now and I’d like to be a part of moving the county towards this path of excellence,” said Anderson.

“I feel that I would be an excellent representative for the county, ensuring fair and equal representation for all the municipalities … while advancing the concerns of the county ward.”

County councillors will elect the warden in a vote at the inaugural meeting of the new council on Dec. 7.

While county and lower-tier councillors serve a four-year term, a new warden is elected every two years.

Outgoing Warden Dennis Lever asked incumbent councillors to declare their interest in chairing the county’s various committees for the coming term.

The chair position for the solid waste services committee appears headed for an election at the inaugural meeting, with incumbent chair Don McKay being challenged by incoming Mapleton Mayor Gregg Davidson.

There will also be an election for the roads committee chair, as both Wellington North Mayor Andy Lennox and Ward 8 councillor Doug Breen indicated interest in the position.

Minto Mayor George Bridge, current chair of the county’s economic development committee, indicated an interest in chairing the committee through the next term.

Guelph-Eramosa Mayor Chris White said he would like to continue as chair of the administration, finance and personnel committee.

Ward 5 councillor Mary Lloyd expressed interest in chairing the information, heritage and seniors committee.

Erin Mayor Alan Alls, who currently chairs the planning committee, indicated he would like to chair the land division committee.
