Arthritis topic at Lunch and Learn

The Seniors Centre for Excellence assistant administrator Carmela Ieropoli hosted Lunch and Learn on Aug. 17 at the community centre in Clifford.

Donna Gingrich prepared a luncheon of cheesy beef slider sandwiches, potato salad and broccoli grape tossed salad with fudge sundae pie for dessert served by Fran Dawson, Hannah Dawson, and Mary Cain.

Physiotherapist Susan McAuslan from the Arthritis Society shared sobering statistics regarding falls and arthritis.

With 100 kinds of arthritis, the two most common are osteo and rheumatoid causing inflammation, swelling and pain in the joints. Risk factors include muscle weakness, diminished sense of body, gait and balance problems, foot pain, wearing improper shoes, fear of falling and environmental factors.

Seniors were advised to clear pathways of tripping hazards like skid mats, strengthen muscles, practice balance exercises, relieve pain with medication, wear proper shoes, and keep these sayings in mind – “use it or lose it,” “rest don’t rust,” “motion is lotion,” “so move to improve.”

A fall is a shock to the system, and afterward people may find it difficult to stay active, muscles weaken, stamina suffers making it even more difficult to move, so they don’t take chances and begin to miss out on life.

McAuslan advised seniors to be risk aware, improve posture and muscle strength and build confidence.

Use furniture risers to sit in your lounge chair. Take weight training classes, try Tai Chi, swim, cycle, join a walking group, march on the spot and stay active.

Contact Susan McAuslan at 1-800-321-1433 or for more information. She left pamphlets to share – Staying Independent, Fitness, Osteoporosis, Get Help, and After a Fall.

McAuslan believes the key is exercise, keep it simple and safe. She hopes seniors never fall, but when they do fall, she advises, be brave enough to lean on friends and family, and look into government agencies like the VON who promote programs to support well being.

The next Lunch and Learn program will be held Sept. 21 at Knox United Church in Clifford.
