Answering the urgent call for blood donations

Emergency Service workers are rallying together to answer an urgent call to save lives.

The need for blood has been increased to “urgent” and local emergency services are working together to save even more lives.

Emergency service workers in the City of Guelph and Wellington County are taking park in this summer’s Sirens for Life campaign.

Canadian Blood Services is also asking local residents to lend their arm by donating blood in support of their local emergency services teams.

Just one person who is seriously injured in a car crash could need as many as 50 blood donations to help save their life.  

In the City of Guelph and Wellington County alone,  Siren’s campaign goal is 75 units of blood.

In addition, organizers are aiming to recruit 30 new donors for the campaign.

All emergency services will be coming together to kick off the campaign at the Guelph blood donor clinic on June 28 at 3pm.
