Alma WI celebrating 45th anniversary

The Alma Women’s Institute’s recent annual meeting on Tweedsmuir History was led by coordinator Marg Hall, who introduced guest speaker Willa Wick.

The group is celebrating its 45th anniversary.

Wick gave a PowerPoint presentation on British Home Children, explaining how young children were brought from England and placed in homes and on farms where they were put to work for a small wage.

The children remained there until they were 18. Many of them never reconnected with their families. Wick answered many questions from members and guests who had a connection in their own family. There was also a display of books written on the subject.

Hall also read an article by H. Gordon Green on Grandpa.

Officers and education coordinators for the coming year were elected and installed by Pat Salter. Helen Moffat is president, Pam Gradwell is vice-president, Marg Hall is secretary and Shirley Fletcher is treasurer.

Discussion was held on distributing the second volume of the group’s Alma and area history book with copies going to schools, museums, and historical societies.

Several members planned to attend the ACWW breakfast celebration on April 28 at Eden Mills with speaker Annemarie McDonald.

Tweedsmuir co-ordinator Marg Hall and Pat Salter will speak at the Wellington Historical Society on May 8 at the county museum.

The next meeting was set for May 1 at the Alma Hall at 1:30pm. New members are welcome.

– Submitted by Pat Salter, Alma WI PRO

