Council here will consider a zoning amendment to allow a mobile kitchen trailer serving prepared fast food in Wallenstein.
The applicant, Rebecca Schwarz wishes to operate a take-out restaurant in a mobile kitchen trailer on the property owned by BSM holdings Inc. at 7215 Wellington Road 86 in Wallenstein.
A report from Wellington County senior planner Curtis Marshall presented at public meeting on Feb. 13 noted the applicants are proposing to prepare take-out meals in a 224 square foot mobile kitchen trailer to serve workers from local businesses, and commuters driving through Wallenstein. Most of the meals would be pre-ordered and customers are expected to only stop briefly to pick up their lunch. The trailer would be located at the front of the property, with seven parking spots.
The property is currently zoned Rural Industrial (RIN) with a site-specific exception (31-192). A restaurant use is not permitted.
In the application, Schwarz states the operation “will encourage workers at local businesses to stay in Wallenstein for food instead of driving to Elmira, Waterlooo or Listowel.” It would also provide up to four full-time jobs, she notes.
Marshall’s report indicated the county is satisfied the proposal is in general conformity with the Official Plan and has not concerns with the application.
Councillor Dennis Craven wondered if the operation would be subject to health regulations.
Schwarz explained that as there will be no public seating, no public washroom facilities will be required. She said a 400-litre portable water storage until would be installed to hold wastewater “until can be shipped out.”
A draft site-specific zoning by-law amendment will be presented for consideration at the next council meeting.