Centre Wellington budget process in full swing

Staff are currently preparing the 2018 capital and operating budgets based on council direction received at various council brainstorming and pre-budget meetings held earlier this year.

As per council’s direction the capital and operating budgets will be deliberated, prior to 2018.

A budget engagement town hall was held on Nov. 1 at Aboyne Hall

The public is invited to take part in budget discussions by:

– filling out the 2018 budget allocator survey and telling council where you want your tax dollars to be spent at centrewellington.ca/budget;

– tell council in person at the 2018 budget committee of the whole meeting on Nov. 20 at 5:30pm.

To register as a delegate, contact kokane@centrewellington.ca. Delegations are encouraged to register prior to 4:30pm on Nov. 17.

The draft 2018 capital and operating budget will be released to council and the community on Nov. 27.  

This document will be available on the township’s website at centrewellington.ca/budget.

Following the release of the draft budget, deliberations will take place during committee of the whole meetings on:

– Dec. 5 from 9am to 5pm. Delegations will take place at 5:30pm. To register as a delegate, please contact kokane@centrewellington.ca. Delegations are encouraged to register prior to 4:30pm on Dec.  1;

– on Dec. 6 from 9am to 5pm;

– Dec. 8 from 9am to 4pm (if required).

Council approval of the 2018 capital and operating budgets and 2018 fees and charges bylaw will take place on Dec. 18 at 7pm.

2018 Budget Allocator

Through Connect CW, township staff have created a budget allocator, to ensure residents can share expectations of public services and the actual expenditure on these services.  

Residents will be asked to either increase, decrease or maintain the budget on twelve services that impact their lives.

These services range from the Victoria Park Seniors Centre to recreation facilities to winter sidewalk plowing.  

Township officials state the service empowers residents by giving them the understanding behind the complexity of the budgeting process.  

Visual and text indicators outline options to residents, allowing them to know exactly how their responses are being tracked in achieving a balanced budget.  

The survey will be open until Nov. 6. If you have any questions about the budget process, or to complete the budget survey, visit centrewellington.ca/budget.

Residents without access to a computer are encouraged to stop by the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex, the Civic Centre located at 1 MacDonald Square in Elora or any of the local libraries to fill out the survey. Hard copies will be available by request.  

Results received from the budget allocator survey will be shared with council for consideration as part of the 2018 operating budget discussions.

For more information, or to request a paper copy of the survey visit connectcw.ca or email communications@centrewellington.ca.
