The Trees for Mapleton committee has announced new forestry specialist Meghan Clay, who works for the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA), will be helping the local committee and providing support to landowners interested in planting trees.
Clay is a graduate of the forestry technician program through Sir Sandford Fleming College. Before joining the GRCA, Clay worked at Conservation Halton for six years focusing on reforestation and forest management on private and public lands.
“It is obvious in the brief time we have met with her that she is passionate about her role and looking forward to working with local landowners to assist them in planting plans for the farm,” states an Oct. 13 press release from Trees for Mapleton.
Clay’s role is to deliver tree planting programs within the GRCA watershed and to help landowners apply for grants when available to reduce the cost of planting trees. She will be able to provide technical information to assist in making the right planting decisions and to promote stewardship improvements for properties.
Clay can be reached at 519-621-2763 ext. 2259 or by email
The Trees for Mapleton committee is continuing the Rural Non-Farm program for 2018 and encourages land owners that do not qualify for existing programs that serve primarily large and or agricultural properties to contact Clay.
Any landowners qualifying for 80 per cent funding through the Wellington Rural Water Quality Program to plant windbreaks using plastic mulch Trees for Mapleton can offer to fund the remaining 20% of costs.
The committee notes fall is a good time to think about where a windbreak makes sense and for plastic mulch projects, there is more preparation of the site that has to occur.
Likewise, for any living snow fence projects receiving 80% funding through the Rural Water Quality Program, Trees for Mapleton will provide additional 20% funding to make the living snow fence fully paid for.
Applying sooner than later helps ensure funds are available, the committee stresses. For more details, contact Clay or Bruce Whale at 519-748-7928.
The Trees for Mapleton Committee is made up of local landowners, the GRCA, Wellington County Green Legacy and the Township of Mapleton. This team is committed to planting trees in the township for both the short- and long-term benefits of the community.
Submitted by Liz Samis