Municipal services corporation plans to add directors to board

The town’s Municipal Services Corporation, which oversees operation of the Harriston Lions Club Community Medical Centre, is planning to expand its board of directors.

In August, the board created two more positions which are proposed to be filled by the Town of Minto’s deputy mayor and business and economic manager.

In a report at the Sept. 19 meeting, the board asked council to approve the new positions in the 2018 appointment bylaw. The board currently consists of the town’s mayor as president, the CAO as vice president and treasurer as secretary-treasurer.

“A larger board will allow investigation into broadening responsibilities into areas allowed under the Municipal Act and improves communication with council,” the report notes.

“The one problem with having a board of three is sometimes you don’t have that many new ideas and if one of us is away you have an issue,” noted treasurer Gordon Duff.

In 2015 the town formed a Municipal Services Corporation under Section 203 of the Municipal Act, and assumed shares of the Harriston Lions’ non-profit corporation and with it ownership of the Harriston Lions Club Community Medical Centre. The Lions had wanted to transfer the clinic to the town in the face of dwindling membership.

Duff explained the town took on the property in the interests of “trying to keep medical services in the community.”

Mayor George Bridge said now that its in place the corporate structure could be used by the town for other purposes.

“That’s one of the reasons we wanted to get bigger … If down the road something came up that we wanted to purchase and it made sense to keep it outside the town itself, then we already have this board in place,” he explained.

The building has about 2,800 square feet in floor area, 17 paved parking spaces and a fenced play area operated by the town on the southeast part of the property. The building contains dental offices of Dr. William VanSickle and office space leased by the Minto Mapleton Family Health Team. Dr. Doyin Oyelowo’s lease ran out in August 2017 and she chose to relocate to the new Family Health Team building in Palmerston, the report notes.

Duff said the corporation plans to take the opportunity to reconfigure the building, as the dental operation is interested in increased space.

The report notes staff have been in contact with prospective tenants in the medical field to fill remaining space.

“An agreement is not expected until sometime in 2018,” the report states.

Financially, Duff said the buildinug generates enough income to generate a small profit, which is put back into the building. However it isn’t enough to cover needed capital projects.

“Though it’s in the black, it’s a relatively small amount,” said Duff, noting the town may need to advance some money to allow needed upgrades to be done over time.

Council voted to receive the report.

