Transition Erin Skillshare Day returns

On April 22, Transition Erin is holding its fifth annual Skillshare Day event, a one-day series of short interactive peer-to-peer led workshops open to all.

Come to learn or to lead, or both. Some topics are announced ahead of time, some are created on the spot.

“The idea is to get together, have fun and share the incredible wealth of knowledge we all have,” organizers state.

Topics this year include: reducing your carbon footprint, big batch cooking, a historical walk of Erin, knit-a-bit, effective activism, raised-bed gardening and tai chi.

The event takes place on April 22 from 10am to 3:30pm at Erin Public School (185 Daniel Street).

The event is $5 per individual or $10 per family. Pack a lunch. Refreshments available. For more information visit
