Remembrance service held in Clifford

Sunny skies greeted the colour party, Legion participants, firefighters, and citizens of Clifford and area for the Remembrance service at 2:15pm on Nov. 6 at the Clifford cenotaph.

 Pastor Jody Rinas of St. John’s Lutheran Church offered a prayer of invocation before everyone joined in singing O’Canada. Trumpeter Angela Pfaiffli played the Last Post before two minutes of silence was observed.

Wreaths were laid for the Dominion of Canada, Province of Ontario, County of Wellington, Town of Minto, Harriston Legion Branch 296, Ladies Auxiliary Harriston Legion Branch 296 and the Clifford Firefighters.

The colour party of Olive Mock, Judy Tuck, Troy Gilbert, Liz Dowler, Dave Turton, and Willie Neil led the march to the community centre for the service and the laying of community wreaths.

Mayor George Bridge expressed appreciation to Legion members and the citizens of Clifford for their involvement in the service to honour those who sacrificed their lives for freedom.
