Bottled water awareness continues at CWDHS

Last November, the Environmental Club at Centre Wellington District High School (CWDHS) made its key focus bottled water.

Later this month, the club is hosting a school-wide assembly in conjunction with SaveOurWater and Wellington Water Waters to inspire Centre Wellington to become a Blue Community.

Students wanted to see how many disposable water bottles were used in the school in a month. They found that 1,070 bottles were collected and counted from recycling bins at the school over a month.

During the month students read announcements about water facts every day to raise awareness.

They wanted the school population to understand that tap water is safe and tasty.

In a taste test comparing four different types of water, included bottled water and tap water from the school, students and staff chose tap water the most.

The Environmental Club created a logo for their reusable water bottles that reads “I Love Centre Wellington Tap Water.”

These reusable water bottles are on sale at the school, and at Roxanne’s Reflections and Joanie’s downtown Fergus.

This month students are collecting water bottles again to see if there has been a change in habits since November.

The Environmental Club is hosting a school-wide assembly on May 27 in conjunction with Save Our Water and the Wellington Water Watchers.

Guest speakers are Derek Forgie, TV personality and environmental activist, and Robyn Hamlyn, a 17-year-old environmental activist who is responsible for the City of Kingston becoming a Blue Community.

Inspired by the film Blue Gold: Water Wars, Hamlyn would like to see all communities across Canada become Blue Communities.

