Ontarians each drank 70L of milk in 2015

Milk from dairy cattle is used in products such as cream, yogurt, ice cream and cream cheese.

In Ontario, individuals consumed 70.8 litres of milk and cream per capita in 2015, which is down significantly from 1996, when Ontarians consumed 90.7L per year.

Globally, Canadians are the 10th highest consumers of milk, averaging of 73.3L of milk per capita in 2014. The top consumer of milk is Finland at 128.5L per capita in 2014.

Ontario, Quebec leaders

Ontario has the second highest number of dairy cows (316,700) in the country, second to Quebec.

Only Quebec and Ontario have more tie stall barns than free stall barns.

Ontario has 74 organic milk producers who produce 267,396 hectolitres of organic milk, up from 44 farms producing 116,000 hectolitres 10 years ago.

Ontario sold 976,752,000 litres of fluid milk in 2015.

Top flavours for ice cream in Canada are vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, butterscotch, caramel, coffee, mint chocolate chip and maple walnut.

Source: dairyinfo.gc.ca
