I just started another 4H club – Vet Club! First off, we all introduced ourselves and explain why we joined the vet club. Then the leaders (Debbie Brander and Dawn Dolson) and our specialist (Dr. Rob Swackhammer) handed out mystery vet items and we had to try and guess what it was – it turned out to be much tougher than it looked! Some of the items were: a cow magnet, an IV line, an ear tagger and a balling gun to give an animal a bolus (big pill). After that, we held our elections. Here are the results: president: Stephanie VanderZande, vice president: Mary Brander, secretary: Cole Hannam, press reporter: Josh Brander. After all that, we finally opened the meeting with the pledge. Next was some tough vet trivia/situations that we had to work through. Finally, we closed the meeting with the motto.
submitted by Josh Brander