New season opens at Century Church Theatre

The award-winning Century Theatre Guild is set to open its new season on Sept. 11 with the comedy, A Bench in the Sun, by Ron Clark.

Directed by Jo Phenix, and starring Wayne Moore, Neville Worsnop and Vickie Forsyth, the play is an uplifting, touching, and always hilarious slice of retirement life, officials say.

Harold and Burt, old school friends and work colleagues, have come together again, after 42 years apart, at Valley View Gardens retirement home. They spend their days on a bench in the garden, sharing their wildly differing philosophies of life and love, and engaging in a one-upmanship game. Underlying their obvious friendship is a long-buried secret from their past that overshadows their relationship.

Tickets are $20, with a 10 per cent discount for 10 or more, or for booking three shows at the same time. For details about the season, visit, or call for a brochure.

A Bench in the Sun plays at Century Church Theatre Sept. 11 to 20, with performances on Friday and Saturday evenings at 8pm, and Sunday afternoons at 2:30pm. The silent auction is still running, and as usual, the Pantry Shelf Tea Room in Hillsburgh is offering a three-course Sunday lunch for $20. The lunch must be pre-booked with tickets. To reserve seats, call 519-855-4586.

