On Sept. 26, Guelph GoGo Grandmothers (4Gs) will present the documentary African Grandmothers Tribunal: Seeking Justice at the frontlines of the AIDS crisis.
The film showing and reception is at The Bookshelf Cinema and Green Room, 41 Quebec Street.
The 2pm showing will be followed by a reception with samplings of foods from their new cookbook, Loving Hands: Recipes and Reflections, in the Green Room at 3pm.
African Grandmothers Tribunal, described as a moving new documentary from the Stephen Lewis Foundation (SLF), tells the story of the African grandmothers who have watched their own children – an entire generation of young adults – die of AIDS and as a result, have become the primary caregivers for millions of orphaned grandchildren.
Tickets are available from the 4Gs and from The Bookshelf for $20 and include the film showing, a question and answer session, as well as the cookbook sampling reception.
Proceeds from this fundraising event go to the Grandmothers to Grandmothers (G2G) Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation.
The Guelph GoGo Grandmothers have been working since 2006 to raise awareness of, funds for, and solidarity with, African grandmothers who are raising their orphaned grandchildren.
Tickets for the documentary are $20 and can be purchased at the Bookshelf Cinema at 2pm or 4Gs member Arlene at tribunaltix@gmail.com
To purchase the 4Gs cookbook, contact: sheilamclaren@rogers.com or lmgoodman@rogers.com
For more information about the 4Gs and the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign visit: www.gggg.ca or www.grandmotherscampaign.org/