Township budget contains 6.18% tax increase

Taxpayers here will face a local tax rate increase of more than six per cent in 2015.

Mapleton council unveiled its draft budget with a proposed 6.18% increase at its budget open house at the Drayton Festival Theatre on March 26. Council then approved that budget at a special meeting on March 31.

The budget is the result of several special meetings between council and staff.

A press release from the municipality noted building and development continues to be strong locally, contributing to an increased taxation base “ensuring growth and stabilization into the future.”

The budget includes capital projects of more than $13 million, an increase of $9.9 million from 2014, with the majority of projects in public works. A major factor in this year’s budget is the construction of a new municipal maintenance facility that combines the former Peel shop lost in a fire in 2013 with the Maryborough shop at one location.

Fleet purchases include a new tanker truck for the Drayton Fire Station and two tandem trucks, a grader and pickup truck in public works. A new global positioning system (GPS) is expected to improve operations and reduce liability to the municipality.

Major construction projects include improvements to Sideroad 15 (Concession 5 to Concession 6), and Concession 3 to Kumpville Drive and Concession 6 (Wellington Road 10 to Sideroad 12), as well as engineering for larger projects in 2016.

Bridge repairs and replacements totaling $1,777,000 include the rehabilitation of five bridges and culverts and the replacement of three bridges.

Environmental projects include the completion of an environmental assessment for Moorefield and Drayton wastewater capacity and for Drayton water that is expected to meet township growth needs to 203l.

Mayor Neil Driscoll stated, “This is an ambitious budget that really does build for a better tomorrow, starting today. This budget is the beginning of council’s long-term strategy to address our aging infrastructure needs. We are also completing a five-year operating and capital budget to achieve this.”

Director of Finance Yufang Du said, “Township staff have been challenged with presenting a budget that has been impacted by several factors beyond council’s control, including reduced Ontario Municipal Partnership Funding by over $200,000, which represents almost 4% of the tax rate increase.”

The Mapleton budget is available on the municipality’s website at or a paper copy can be requested from the administration office at no charge.
