55+ Club plans St. Patrick”™s day lunch

The Harriston 55+ Club held its first meeting of the year on Feb. 5, 2015.

The meeting was opened by president Brian Baldwin and  minutes were read and taken by Ilene Tomlin in the absence of Sue Hill.

The treasurer’s report was given by Janet Baldwin.

The upcoming St. Patrick’s Day soup and sandwich luncheon was discussed. The event is set for March 13 at the Senior’s Centre in Harriston (formerly the Train Station) at the corner of Arthur and Margaret Streets. The cost is $8. All members were asked to come and help. Dorelene Anderson and Ilene Tomlin will coordinate the luncheon.

The meeting was adjourned at 2pm.

Entertainment followed the meeting and was provided by Mary Lou Reynard at the piano with an enjoyable sing-a-long. She was thanked by Lois Kerr.

Desserts and tea were provided by Norma Ott, Margaret Weber, Janet Boudrie and Lois Kerr.

The group meets on the first Thursday of every month (excluding July and August) at 1.30pm at the Seniors Centre.

“We are always looking for new members and ideas, please come and join us,” club officials state.

