New resources to help develop solutions to rural transportation challenges are a result of the Accelerating Rural Transportation Solutions collaborative project between the Rural Ontario Institute (ROI) and Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition (OHCC).
New resources include:
– Three webinars with an overview of the issues, discuss the importance of partnerships, collaborations, and engaging municipal representatives and community members;
– A resource guide that includes four cost-shared models of coordinated, cost-shared rural transportation systems and a step-by-step process to assess an appropriate ‘path forward’ for communities, municipalities and regions;
Norman Ragetlie, director of policy and stakeholder engagement at the Rural Ontario Institute and leader of the Accelerating Rural Transportation Solutions project says, “Transportation in rural areas is key to quality of life – for accessing medical care, participating in social activities and getting to and from work and keeping the local economy moving.”
All resources from the Accelerating Rural Transportation Solutions project are available in the “Resources and Reports” section of the ROI website at and on the OHCC website at