Coffee topic of Moorefield Horticultural Society gathering

The topic for the October meeting of the Moorefield and District Horticultural Society  was “Coffee,” introduced by Rick Rick Herrewynen, owner of the Infusion Coffee Roasting Company.

Herrewynen, who lives in Gowanstown and has an outlet in Palmerston, imports and roasts coffee beans from around the world. His coffee is also sold in gourmet grocery stores, bakeries and coffee shops.

Herrewynen stated 14 billion cups of coffee are consumed in Canada each year.  Most of the world’s coffee is produced in 70 countries  located between the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer. He buys “Fair Trade” or “Direct Trade” beans which allows farmers and workers in developing countries to make a better living through fair prices.  

Herrewynen explained the roasting process which he uses and the pros and cons of the different ways coffee can be made, such as perked, drip or  press, as well as some tips for making and storing coffee.  

After answering questions, Herrewynen was thanked for his presentation and all had a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

Jo Houston encouraged members to attend the next meeting, the society’s annual meeting and potluck dinner, on Nov. 25 at the Optimist Hall in Moorefield.
