Reverend Jennifer Mountain with her leaders and helpers journeyed through the continents with 20 children during Vacation Bible School held Aug. 18 to 22 at the Knox United Church here.
The children were registered by Audrey Garrett who sent them along to the Salem Room to Rev. Jennifer and the leaders Garret Kreager, Adam Gibson, Kyla Garrett-Tunstall, Jenny Gibson, and Paige Garrett-Tunstall.
Starting off with Helen Newman in North America, the children experienced sights and sounds of native culture, created drums, made a food banner, and remembered the poor. Travelling to South America, they encountered Rozann Lynch and her sister Audrey who shared the story of creation in the jungle, helped them paint jungle face masks, and created God’s hands out of sweet treats. Sailing over to Europe, Nicole Kreager stayed with them under the sea with octopus creatures or basked on the shores eating pizza while learning about sharing. Asia and Africa were rolled into one outdoors with Bonnie Whitehead where they acted out Joseph’s interpretation of the Pharaoh’s dream, tasted honey, created mandalas and bean and button pictures, and learned about the poor widow who gave more than all the others.
On Friday, the children gathered in the sanctuary to show their parents what they had learned.
The Aug. 24 service at the Alsfeldt United Church reflected the days of Vacation Bible School.