West Luther 4-H Beef Calf Club

West Luther Beef Calf Club held their meeting on June 10 at Gerald and Jennifer Martin’s place.

Gerald Martin showed the members the proper way to handle cattle. Make yourself known to the animal by making some quiet noise and make sure the animal can see you. Use a stick if you want, but never use a fork because the animal will automatically kick due to the sharp edges.

When you are behind the animal, be out on an angle so the animal can see you. If you are right behind it, you are in a blind spot.

Gerald had some of the kids come into the pen and practice sorting calves. Then they did some judging on some market steers. Cody Walker and Michael Hargrave told the kids how to judge and give reasons. Some of the kids took turns giving reasons.

The leaders also talked about up-coming events, then we closed with the 4-H motto.

Submitted by Justin Swansten.
