Minto plans community garden opening

In an effort to create a sustainable, local, healthy food supply with a focus on social interaction and community, the Town of Minto together with sponsors and volunteers is launching the Growing Communities Garden in Harriston.

The move towards a sustainable food system in the Town of Minto evolved from local residents who were interested in establishing community gardens in 2012. After securing funding through the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care through the Healthy Community Partnership in 2013 the town  partnered with Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health and the Guelph Wellington Food Roundtable to host information and planning sessions on sustainable food systems, which include community gardens.

In August of 2013, the decision was made to follow through with a pilot community garden project at the former tennis courts in Harriston. A grant was awarded through Ontario Horticultural Association with the help of Harriston and District Horticultural Society to help fund the project. A committee was established to lead and create this first community garden project in Minto. As an accessible public space, the new community garden will help us understand the importance of natural processes in a sustainable community, and assist in making informed choices and promoting positive actions in regards to food supply.

The Harriston project was named “Growing Communities Garden.” It was established with 19 raised garden plots. Hand tools, rain barrels and composters are available on site. A special thank you goes out to Al White and his team for construction of the raised garden beds.

Community volunteers along with many students from the Community Environmental Leadership Program (CELP) and teacher, Michael Hendrick, at Norwell District Secondary School volunteered to fill the raised garden beds.  If the pilot project is successful the town hopes to work with other community partners to see community gardens established in each urban area within the Town of Minto, town officials state.

A grand opening is set to take place on  June 7 at 11am at the garden site.
