OPP to host car seat workshops

Wellington County OPP will be hosting car seat workshops throughout the county on April 17.

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injury-related deaths among children and youth.

A correctly used child restraint will reduce the likelihood of a child being injured or killed in a crash by up to 75 per cent.

Car seat safety check results from across Canada indicate that four out of five children are not properly restrained.  Common mistakes include: child not in the appropriate restraint; child not harnessed in the restraint correctly; Seat belts/UAS not tight enough or can’t hold the car seat; and/or, tether straps not used or used incorrectly.

Members of the public are encouraged to bring along their car seat questions and will be able to meet an OPP car seat inspector.

Advice will be provided on all three stages of car seats: rear, forward and booster. Local car seat clinic information and car seat materials will be available.

Workshops will be held on April 17 at:

– North Wellington OPP (Teviotdale boardroom) 9 to 10am;

– Centre Wellington OPP (Aboyne boardroom) 11:30am to 12:30pm; and

– South Wellington OPP (Rockwood boardroom) 2 to 3pm.

Workshops are free, but pre-registration is required.  Contact South Wellington OPP (Rockwood) at 519-856 -1506 to register for one of the three workshops.


