Reminder to be prepared

The arrival of the second major ice storm of 2013 on Dec. 22 once again left area residents without electrical power for varying, but generally lengthy periods of time.

Such events nearly always reveal some missing links in our chain of emergency preparedness. While the evaluation of the response of the various levels of government to this latest storm will unfold over the weeks to come, most individual residents and families have likely already discovered the gaps in their own emergency planning. Many, no doubt, did not get around to purchasing that generator they had planned on acquiring after the storm last spring, and there were no doubt countless homes where the supply of flashlight batteries, bottled water or other integral supplies was found wanting.

The federal government recommends everyone should be prepared to take care of themselves and their family for a minimum of 72 hours. A well-thought-out emergency plan can help families deal with any emergency and may take as little as a few minutes to prepare.

A helpful guide to creating a personalized emergency plan can be found on the Government of Canada website:

Patrick Raftis
