4th Annual Halloween “Booonanza”

Kortright Hills Neighbourhood Group is holding the 4th annual Booonanza Halloween Party, and invites the community to join Oct. 27 between 1pm and 4pm, in the gym at Kortright Hills Public School, 23 Ptarmigan Dr.

Event highlights include: Halloween games, activities, craft station, wear Halloween costumes, face painting by: Makin’ Faces, Halloween colouring contest, carved pumpkin contest (bring your carved pumpkin to Booonanza for a chance to win great prizes), Halloween photo booth, haunted house sponsored by 26th Guelph Venturer Group, snacks at concession booth and much more.  This event is open to everyone and all are welcome! Media are welcome to attend the event. Booonanza is being held with the support of our sponsors Mosborough Country Market, 26th Guelph Scouting Group, Marble Slab and KHNG.

Kortright Hills Neighbourhood Group is committed to “creating a village in the city” for community members since 2007.

“We want to build a healthy vibrant community, while at the same time having fun. We are eager to continue to grow and be a strong, safe and unique community within our beautiful City of Guelph. We are committed to continuing investing in ongoing partnerships around and within our community.”

For more information contact Leone Schadenberg, 519-837-0974 or khng@bellnet.ca.
